ALF struggles to juggle work, politics, and polyamory in a capitalist hellscape. Alana opens herself to possibility. Mars and Thorn hit a roadblock. Byron leaves a letter in the wrong place. Why is there not a Monistat delivery service?
Anna Feldmann as ALF
Alana Ruiz as Alana
Myrrh Crow as Mars
Grace Joshua Byron as Byron
Alfredo Franco as Thorn
Ali Glembocki as Jane
Sam Campbell as Maya
Kevin Nichols as August
Taylor Beals as Harry
Tim Kov as Bill
Hanna Israel as May
Yasmine Carden as Ashleigh
Wil Raterman as David
The Nonbinary Carrie Bradshaw was created and written By Alana Ruiz, Anna Feldmann, Grace Joshua Byron, and Myrrh Crow.
Directed by Grace Joshua Bryon
Produced by Grace Joshua Byron and Adam Cecil
Editing and sound design by Adam Cecil
Logo by
Emily Tat